Undergo preemptive treatments this monsoon season

The Vaidya’s (Doctors) of CGH Earth Ayurveda’s Kalari Rasayana and Kalari Kovilakom offer programmes that correct these imbalances caused by monsoons and bring the body back into a state of equilibrium

Undergoing Ayurveda treatments during monsoons is vastly practiced in Kerala and is a way of life for its people. The Vaidya’s (Doctors) of CGH Earth Ayurveda’s Kalari Rasayana and Kalari Kovilakom recommend the monsoon season is ideal to address medical conditions or undergo preemptive treatments to strengthen and fortify the body against diseases. According to ancient science, seasonal changes such as from summer to monsoon, lowers the body’s immunity, which causes metabolic toxins to be deposited in the body, giving rise to diseases. CGH Earth Experience Wellness centres offer programmes that correct these imbalances caused by monsoons and bring the body back into a state of equilibrium, thereby achieving good health.

Doctor Firoz Varun, Chief Physician, Kalari Rasayana, said, “According to Ayurveda, our body has three bio-energies called doshas (Pitta, Kapha and Vata), which is a combination of the five elements in nature that determine the mental, physical and emotional constitution of each person. These doshas undergo cyclic ups and downs on a daily, and on a seasonal basis. During the monsoon, the Vata dosha gets aggravated and goes out of balance and has a domino effect, causing imbalances to the other doshas too. Added to this, unhealthy lifestyle choices further intensify the situation and weaken the body, increasing probability of diseases, metabolic disorders, stiffness in joints, indigestion amongst other health concerns. Ayurveda helps tackle these issues reinforcing the immune system and leaving the body stronger and healthier, free from any chronic ailments.”

An effective detoxification method, Panchakarma, is targeted to strengthen the immune system, restore health and well-being by the process of opening blocked channels and purifying and rejuvenating the body. It reverses the negative effects of stress on the body and mind, thereby slowing the ageing process, enhancing vitality, energy and mental clarity.

CGH Earth Ayurveda’s preventive healthcare protocol focuses on treating these seasonal disturbances in metabolism and lifestyle disorders. The facilities in Kerala, Kalari Rasayana, and Kalari Kovilakom, create a nurturing environment with personalised attention and individualised treatment plans that comprise of medicine (external and internal), nutrition based on Ayurveda principles (Sattvic cuisine), yoga, meditation therapies and guidance sessions for leading a healthier life. Treatment programmes at Kalari Rasayana and Kalari Kovilakom start from 14 days. Their doctors also offer online consultations.


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